We will take care of your pets while you are away!

Cats, Birds, Fish and other small animals!

  • We will feed, scoop litters/clean cage and give some cuddles!

  • We will send diary report with photos of your pet after each visit, so you can see how they are doing.

Pet Visit Rates

  • 15 minutes $15
  • 30 minutes $20


  • Weekends +$5
  • Holidays x2

  • Before 9am or after 5pm +$5

(HST not included)

Book Now!

“We’ve had Sayaka over quite a few times over the course of our month long trip to the East Coast. She dropped by on time and had my birds well fed and chirping. I’m glad she knows how to handle birds since they can be a little spicy.”


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, please give us clear instructions at the meet and greet. We will be happy to help.

As long as we have available team members. We can visit virtually any animals.

Please contact us for details!

Yes, all our dog walkers will be insured.

We understand everybody gets last minutes changes. It happens! We ask to let us know the cancellation as soon as you know, but we accept cancellation before 8am that day.(Some exceptions apply)

We accept cash or etransfer.

If you have any questions, please contact us!

Book Today!

Professional Pet Care

We are fully insured and bondable.
All walkers are reliable, mature and extreme animal lovers!

Contact Us